The truth is, I have no idea yet, but I'm going to try anyway.
In the form of a first attempt, I'm going to go for a bunch of notes that hopefully will assemble and make sense a little later.
Yesterday I saw a little video by Rian Stone in which he explains the concept of compounding. As I understand it, the fundamental idea behind is the consistent accumulation of small results makes a big difference in the long run. I guess it works with writing too. In theory, I could write everyday, at least a little and this consistency may, in a best case scenario make a big difference in my writing skills.
Why is this important? Because writing what I know, what i've found and assuming it is from a novel perspective, may be of help to somebody besides myself and thus a contribution to make the world a better place. Or at least keep me busy for a while.
If writing is a skill, it should share characteristics with all skills, such as the possibility to be mastered by means of practice. If this is the case, what constitutes an effective practice? Maybe just start by doing anything? Perhaps writing stream of consciousness, or daily journalling.
Trying to make it enjoyable is another interesting aspect. Can I, in some way force myself into enjoying the process of writing? Or are there any writers who hate to write but like the results?
I know the title of this entry is misleading, I don't care. This is an exercise as much as the preceding entries and as much as the following will be. Keep it going.
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